Study shows popular apps interact with risky websites

Almost 9 percent of popular apps downloaded from Google Play interact with websites that could compromise users' security and privacy, according to a study released in December by researchers at the University of California, ...

De-jargonizing program helps decode science speak

Science is fascinating to many, but sentences that are full of expert-level terms and description can scare away even the most passionate readers. Can scientists learn to talk about their research without using too many technical ...

Technology streamlines computational science projects

Since designing and launching a specialized workflow management system in 2010, a research team from the US Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory has continuously updated the technology to help computational ...

Adobe confirms zero-day danger in Reader and Acrobat

( -- Adobe on Tuesday issued a critical security advisory for Adobe Reader and Acrobat. A vulnerability was detected and confirmed in Adobe Reader X (10.1.1) and earlier versions for Windows and Macintosh, Adobe ...

In Tech: Microsoft tries to win mobile friends

Looking for a new app for making "to-do" lists on your Apple or Android phone? You could use Apple's Reminders or Google's Keep. But Microsoft is hoping you'll try Wunderlist, created by a German tech startup that Microsoft ...

Microsoft opens Windows 10 to Apple, Android apps

Microsoft hopes to get more people using the next version of its Windows software on all kinds of devices by giving them access to many of the same apps they're already using on Apple or Android phones.

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