Biological fireworks show 300 million years in the making

Five years ago, researchers at Northwestern University made international headlines when they discovered that human eggs, when fertilized by sperm, release billions of zinc ions, dubbed "zinc sparks."

Magnetic spin on non-magnetic materials

( -- Nanotechnologists from the University of Twente's MESA+ and MIRA research institutes have developed a method for incorporating magnetic elements into non-magnetic materials in a highly controlled way. Using ...

The similarities between a Van Gogh painting and a golf ball

On a molecular scale, there are surprising similarities between the outer shell of a golf ball and the white oil paint used by Van Gogh and his contemporaries. In both cases, the interactions between zinc ions and polymer ...

Deadly bacteria share weapons to outsmart antibiotics

Bacteria are rapidly developing resistance mechanisms to combat even the most effective antibiotics. Each year in the United States over 23,000 people die as a result of bacterial infections that have no treatment options, ...

Exposing ZnO nanorods to visible light removes microbes

The practical use of visible light and zinc oxide nanorods for destroying bacterial water contamination has been successfully demonstrated by researchers at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). Nanorods grown on glass ...

Biting its own tail: Nanocontainer with an integrated switch

( -- The ouroboros (ancient Greek for "tail devourer") is a motif found in many cultures: a snake biting its own tail, it symbolizes eternity and cycles. Julius Rebek, Jr. and Fabien Durola (The Scripps Research ...

The role of metal ions in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

( -- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects motor neurons in the spinal cord, leading to muscle weakness, paralysis, and ...

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