Related topics: genes · embryos

Shining new light on the pineal gland

When zebrafish lack a specific protein, the two hemispheres of the brain develop symmetrically, and the sleep hormone melatonin is not produced. These results were recently published by Freiburg biologists Theresa Schredelseker ...

Discovery of the neural circuit for fear conditioning of fish

Animals are often noted sensing signs of danger and reacting. A simple form of this phenomenon is called fear conditioning, which is a type of learning commonly seen in every animal. By manipulating the activity of specific ...

Science: Farming for answers to human diseases in the fish farm

Aquariums are arranged in neat, illuminated rows. Fins, tails and flashing stripes are visible in every direction. On the Mayo Clinic campus in Rochester, Minnesota, zebrafish act as research stand-ins for us. They are tiny ...

The robots will see you now

For more than a decade, biomimetic robots have been deployed alongside live animals to better understand the drivers of animal behavior, including social cues, fear, leadership, and even courtship. The encounters have always ...

3-D models reveal hidden details of zebrafish behavior

Zebrafish have become increasingly popular model animals in preclinical and neurobehavioral research due to their genetic similarity to humans and rapid rate of reproduction. Studies of zebrafish behavior have shed light ...

This nasal receptor mediates the appetizing smell of fish food

The aquatic environment is full of tantalizing chemicals that can guide a fish to mates or meals. Now, scientists in Japan have identified the olfactory receptor and brain circuitry that picks up the scent of adenosine triphosphate, ...

Painkillers relieve zebrafish larvae discomfort

Lynne Sneddon is a myth buster. Having debunked the fisherman's legend that fish don't feel pain, Sneddon, from the University of Liverpool, UK, has become a leading figure in the movement to reduce, replace and refine the ...

Fish also need friends

According to a new study led by Rui Oliveira, researcher at ISPA - Instituto Universitário, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, and Fundação Champalimaud, zebrafish need social support to overcome adverse circumstances and ...

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