Samsung Electronics doubling current smartphone storage speed

Samsung Electronics today announced that it has begun mass producing the industry's first 512-gigabyte (GB) embedded Universal Flash Storage (eUFS) 3.0 for next-generation mobile devices. In line with the latest eUFS 3.0 ...

Analysis of rhetoric and policy

As an English major, Natalie Midiri has an appreciation for the art of the written and spoken word. The Rutgers–Camden senior knows rhetoric can influence and inspire people, especially when coming from world leaders and ...

We need to stop punishing scientists for talking to the public

As scientists, my colleagues and I are often told we need to engage the general public and decision makers, to use our expertise to inform public discourse and debates and to reach a far wider audience than just our professional ...

New record: 3-D-printed optical-electronic integration

Optoelectronic integration offers a promising strategy to simultaneously obtain the merits of electrons and photons when they serve as information carriers, including high-density communication and high-speed information ...

How not to write about science

Amid the many calls for scientists to engage with the general public, there are some who feel that scientists ought to remain aloof and disconnected from the broader public.

Researcher investigates the origins of travel writing

( -- Travel writing has become one of the most popular genres in recent years with bookshops dedicating sizeable sections to keep up with a growing demand from travelling readers. But how did the genre begin and ...

Some course adjustments? Virtually guaranteed

The public health class got ready for its first lecture: Attending were the pharmacist from Pakistan, the psychologist from Brazil, the dietitian from Louisiana, the journalist from Los Angeles - and 4,500 other people. It's ...

States face challenges to improve writing standards

Far too many K-12 students have inadequate writing skills, and the current efforts to improve instruction in the United States may be more challenging than anticipated, research from Michigan State University shows.

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