Manipulating stress response in cells could help slow down aging

Scientists at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have found that a stress response in cells, when "switched on" at a post-reproductive age, could be the key to slow down aging and promote longevity.

Replicated molecules reveal hiding method of bacteria

Specific fatty acid-sugar molecules allow leprosy bacteria, among others, to hide from our immune system. How exactly is not entirely clear. Hessel van Dijk, who received his Ph.D. on October 13, replicated the molecules, ...

Armored worm reveals the ancestry of three major animal groups

An international team of scientists, including from the Universities of Bristol and Oxford, and the Natural History Museum, have discovered that a well-preserved, fossilized worm dating from 518 million years ago resembles ...

Study investigates longer life due to faulty RNA processing

The control of RNA metabolism is crucial to the regulation of animal longevity, researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Aging in Cologne have now discovered. They found that worms live longer when certain ...

Worms elevate phosphate levels in grass

Worms are the farmer's main little helpers. They improve soil structure and help the plant obtain nutrients and phosphate. But some worms do a better job than others. Hannah Vos obtained her Ph.D. on research on which worms ...

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