High planetary tilt lowers odds for life?

Highly-tilted worlds would have extreme seasons, subjecting life to alternating periods of scorching and subzero temperatures. This could make the development of all but hardiest, simplest creatures a long shot.

La Nina weather pattern to last for months: UN agency

The weather pattern behind floods and extreme conditions in Australia, Asia, Africa and South America is one of the strongest ever and could last for four more months, the UN weather agency said Tuesday.

Two new Saturn-mass exoplanets discovered

An international team of astronomers reports the detection of two new Saturn-mass exoplanets as part of the CARMENES radial velocity survey. The newly found alien worlds, designated TYC 2187-512-1 b and TZ Ari b, orbit nearby ...

Scientists describe 146 new species in 2022

During 2022, researchers at the California Academy of Sciences have added 146 new animal, plant, and fungi species to the tree of life, enriching our understanding of Earth's biodiversity and strengthening our ability to ...

Morocco swelters in a record heatwave

Morocco was hit by a fiery weekend heatwave that saw temperatures reach nearly 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit), the country's weather service said on Monday.

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