Single laser stops molecular tumbling motion instantly

In the quantum world, making the simple atom behave is one thing, but making the more complex molecule behave is another story. Now Northwestern University scientists have figured out an elegant way to stop a molecule from ...

Scientists predict Neptune's chemical make-up

Scientists have helped solve the mystery of what lies beneath the surface of Neptune – the most distant planet in our solar system. A new study sheds light on the chemical make-up of the planet, which lies around 4.5 billion ...

All concrete, no trees: Athens ill-prepared for heatwaves

A densely-populated concrete jungle lacking in green space, Athens has become one of Europe's hottest capitals and despite its vulnerability to extreme temperatures, has failed to make environmental innovations, experts warn.

Forecasts show growing El Niño event

Forecasts assembled by the EU's Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) implemented by ECMWF predict a growing El Niño event this year.

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