Peer effects, personal characteristics and asset allocation

Both academic researchers and practitioners know that behavioural biases can drive household financial decisions away from standard finance models, and that people don't always follow the professional advice they receive. ...

Coming out at work is not a one-off event

For many LGBTIQ+ workers coming out is a never-ending process. A recent study in the UK shows coming out at work is still a problem. Our research, to be launched in Sydney on August 27, supports this finding and further ...

A new study should be the final nail for open-plan offices

Open-plan offices have taken off because of a desire to increase interaction and collaboration among workers. But an innovative new study has found that employees in open-plan offices spend 73% less time in face-to-face interactions. ...

Workplace flexibility bias not just a mother's problem

Work-life balance is not an issue exclusive to women, particularly mothers—even men and those without children can suffer when they feel that their workplace culture is not family friendly, according to a new study.

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