Taming wild grapes for better wine

When you think about "wine country," Illinois may not be the first state that comes to mind. But it's actually big business on the prairie. There are 90 wineries licensed in Illinois and 1,500 acres of wine grapes. One acre ...

For California vintners, it's not easy being green

"Green" labels do not pack the same wallop for California wines that they do for low-energy appliances, organically grown produce and other environmentally friendly products, but it's not because there's anything wrong with ...

Grape growing, fish protection clash in California

(AP) -- Grape growers in Northern California's cool, fertile Sonoma County wine region are stomping mad at a new plan to limit the amount of water vineyards can pump from local rivers and streams to protect crops from frost ...

Fruit fly pest identified in wine grapes

A newly recognized pest in Oregon continues to concern fruit growers and researchers with the recent discovery of a Spotted Wing Drosophila fly in a sample of Willamette Valley wine grapes.

Study explores how key gene modulates terpene aroma in grapes

A study explores the ethylene-responsive gene VviERF003's influence on glycosylated monoterpenoid synthesis in grapes, which are pivotal for the fruity and floral notes in wines. Understanding this genetic regulation provides ...

English winemakers toast summer heatwaves

Under a blue sky, seasonal workers ran their secateurs along long rows of grapevines, harvesting a variety of pinot noir grown during the summer heatwave.

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