Virus that causes grapevine red blotch disease identified

(—New DNA sequencing technology has been used to identify the virus that causes red blotch, a disease that discolors grape leaves in fall and lowers sugar levels in grapes, agricultural nursery managers were told ...

New way to identify 'smoked' grapes and wines

With climate change sparking concern about an increased risk of wildfires, scientists are reporting development of a way to detect grapes exposed to smoke from those fires, which otherwise could be vented into bad-tasting ...

Robots, recycling map route to greener French wine

An Earth-friendly future for French wine could include disease-resistant grapes, solar-powered robots, and lighter packaging, as vintners innovate to slash their environmental footprint.

Wild weather to yield better Finger Lakes wines

(—This year's weather threw several curve balls to New York growers—an early, warm spring, a sudden cold snap in April, and a hot, dry summer. But while some vineyards report a reduced crop, many anticipate that ...

Machines trump hand-harvest for Sauvignon blanc

The traditional view that hand picking of grapes is needed to produce the best wine is being challenged, with University of Auckland research showing that machine harvesting produces higher levels of the aromas characteristic ...

First aid for winemakers

Whether or not a wine turns out to be as outstanding as the winemaker hopes depends on the quality of the yeasts; they control the fermentation process and create the distinctive flavor. A new sensor allows winemakers to ...

Wine dregs shown to improve cows' milk

Feeding dairy cows the stems, seeds and skins from wine grapes boosts milk production and dramatically cuts the animal's methane emissions, Australian researched published Thursday shows.

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