Related topics: coral reefs · conservationists

Should you share data of threatened species?

Scientists publishing locations of rare species have been blamed for helping poachers drive them to extinction, such as the local extinction of the Chinese cave gecko.

Bolder targets needed to protect nature for people's sake

University of Queensland (UQ) and Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) researchers argue that the world needs more diverse, ambitious and area-specific targets for retaining important natural systems to safeguard humanity. ...

What gorilla poop tells us about evolution and human health

A study of the microbiomes of wild gorillas and chimpanzees offers insights into the evolution of the human microbiome and might even have implications for human health. The research project was led by scientists at the Center ...

Warming Arctic climate constrains life in cold-adapted mammals

Despite the growth in knowledge about the effects of a warming Arctic on its cold-adapted species, how these changes affect animal populations is poorly understood. Research efforts have been hindered by the area's remoteness ...

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