Related topics: salmon

Bigger doesn't mean better for hatchery-released salmon

Fish permeate the culture of the Pacific Northwest (PNW). In particular, the iconic salmon has been an important part of the region for thousands of years, from ancient Native American trade routes and legends to modern fishing ...

Not so sexy salmon

New research reveals that farmed salmon have smaller 'jaw hooks' or 'kype'- a secondary sexual trait, likened to the antlers of a stag, making them less attractive to females than their wild salmon cousins.

Human actions impact wild salmon's ability to evolve

Once spring-run chinook salmon disappear, they are not likely to re-emerge, indicates genetic analysis of the revered wild fish in a study led by the University of California, Davis. Prompt conservation action could preserve ...

Scientists study under-appreciated fish with special tag

Most people think of salmon jumping upriver to spawn when they consider wild fish in the American Northwest. But another, lesser-known species—the Pacific Lamprey—is also culturally and historically important to the region. ...

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