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Study looks at use of social media in public diplomacy

(—The use of social media for the purpose of public diplomacy has increasingly drawn the attention of U.S. diplomacy professionals, observers and political analysts especially after the recent attacks on the U.S. ...

Wikipedia back online after brief service cut

Popular online knowledge trove Wikipedia was back online Monday after a fiber optic cable connection between its two US data centers was severed, causing an hour-long service outage.

Wikipedia hits defining moment in social Web era

Wikipedia, the public knowledge website, is more than a decade old and remains among the top 10 Internet sites in the world, but some say it is becoming old and dowdy. Others want to keep it that way.

Wikipedia founder backs UK student wanted by US

(AP) — The founder of Wikipedia has called on British officials to block the extradition of a 24-year-old British student wanted in the United States over alleged copyright offenses.

Hollywood, Silicon Valley need unity, leader says

(AP) -- Chris Dodd, the head of the Motion Picture Association of America, said Tuesday that Hollywood and Silicon Valley must work together to protect intellectual property.

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