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The impact of new media and technology on customer relationships

A new media marketing world increasingly dominated by mobile technologies, "shopping bots," recommendation systems and peer-to-peer networks has spawned a radical new online marketplace, challenging the old behaviors of buyers ...

Physics student's prefix idea is 'hella' good

Forget 15 minutes of fame. Austin Sendek is getting hella minutes. The University of California-Davis physics undergraduate has reaped international attention since March, when The Bee wrote about his campaign to establish ...

Diplopedia a success at US Department of State

A new study released today by Rice University and the U.S. Department of State's (DOS) Office of eDiplomacy looks at the five-year history of creating and implementing Diplopedia, DOS' use of the Wikipedia-style diplomacy ...

Facebook profiles to play up brand and band pages

(AP) -- Facebook is revamping users' profiles to emphasize the pages for bands, books and businesses that millions have become fans of on the world's largest online social network.

Who Does What on Wikipedia?

( -- The quality of entries in the world's largest open-access online encyclopedia depends on how authors collaborate, UA Eller College Professor Sudha Ram finds.

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