Related topics: body mass index · obesity · weight loss · women · weight gain

IQ a better predictor of adult economic success than maths

IQ in childhood is a better indicator of adult wealth than maths for very preterm and very low-weight babies, according to a new study in PLOS One by researchers at the University of Warwick and the University of Tennessee. ...

Apps send intimate user data to Facebook: report

A news report Friday said many smartphone apps were sending highly personal information such as menstrual cycles and body weight to Facebook, without notifying users.

Change of teeth causes yo-yo effect in elephants' weight

The weight of elephants living in zoos fluctuates over the course of their adult lives in cycles lasting around a hundred months, researchers at the University of Zurich have found. The fluctuation is linked to the particular ...

'Surgery in a pill' a potential treatment for diabetes

Over the last decade, bariatric surgeons have made strides in performing weight loss surgery that not only reverses obesity but can also reverse type 2 diabetes in patients with both conditions. Despite dramatic improvements ...

Hydraulic fracturing negatively impacts infant health

From North Dakota to Ohio to Pennsylvania, hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, has transformed small towns into energy powerhouses. While some see the new energy boom as benefiting the local economy and decreasing ...

The fate of exomoons

When a star like our sun gets to be very old, after another seven billion years or so, it will shrink to a fraction of its radius and become a white dwarf star, no longer able to sustain nuclear burning. Studying the older ...

Researchers identify calorie-burning pathway in fat cells

Investigators at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in collaboration with scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, have identified a natural molecular pathway that enables cells to burn off calories as heat rather ...

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