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Addressing post-harvest storage issues of Shiranui mandarins

Citrus packed and marketed in the United States is generally washed and sanitized on a commercial packing line for decay control, food safety, and appearance reasons. The purpose of a new study was to evaluate the use of ...

Venezuela zoo welcomes three white lion cubs

A Venezuelan zoo this week welcomed the country's first three white lion cubs born in captivity, a boost for the genetically rare animal whose wild population numbers only about a dozen living in their native South Africa.

Bear genes show circadian rhythms even during hibernation

The internal clocks of grizzly bears appear to keep ticking through hibernation, according to a genetic study. This persistence highlights the strong role of circadian rhythms in the metabolism of many organisms including ...

What the world's oldest dog can tell us about aging

If you have ever cared for a pet dog, it is a sad truth that you are likely to outlive them. So it's no wonder that people may be asking how to increase their pet's longevity following the news that a dog in Portugal lived ...

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