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Newspaper sites draw 36 percent of Web audience in June

Newspaper Web sites attracted 70.3 million unique visitors in June, representing about 36 percent of all Internet users, according to a new Nielsen Online study commissioned by an industry trade group.

Review: Yahoo's shift to Bing could be risky bet

(AP) -- Is Microsoft's Bing really a better search engine? Since it debuted last month, it has earned praise for the smart way it presents results and how it lets users preview Web sites without clicking through to them.

Microsoft releases IE8: adds shortcuts, security

(AP) -- Microsoft Corp. released a new version of Internet Explorer Thursday, adding features meant to speed up common Web surfing tasks and bringing the browser's security measures in line with those of major competitors.

You can childproof your computer

Every few months, I receive a question from a reader whose computer was never the same after a grandchild came to visit.

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