Hope on the horizon for victims of DDoS attacks

(PhysOrg.com) -- Recently, Yuri Gushin and Alex Behar, security experts with Radware, an Israeli security firm, gave a presentation at the Black Hat conference in Barcelona, Spain, and as part of their program showed what ...

Stable Opera 10.10 browser with Unite now available

(PhysOrg.com) -- The web browser Opera 10.10 has been released as a stable version, and it has a number of new features to enhance the browsing experience, including "Unite", which is a group of applications for sharing music, ...

Tech 101: How a denial-of-service attack works

(AP) -- Investigators are piecing together details about one of the most aggressive computer attacks in recent memory - a powerful "denial-of-service" assault that overwhelmed computers at U.S. and South Korean government ...

Company alleges Chinese software has stolen code

(AP) -- A California company claims that the Internet-filtering software China has mandated for all new personal computers sold there contains stolen programming code.

Researcher creates algorithm to aid in discovery of new medicines

Ph.D. candidate Jeroen Methorst has developed a computer system that helps researchers find the protein they need to create new medicines. "Our whole group is now using this program," says Methorst. He will defend his Ph.D. ...

CRISPRlnc: New lncRNA-specific SgRNA design method proposed

Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are non-protein-coding transcripts. Currently, CRISPR/Cas9 is a promising RNA-guided genome editing technology consisting of a Cas9 nuclease and a single-guide RNA (sgRNA). Considering the significant ...

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