Related topics: google

Newsday plans to 'end free Web content'

New York newspaper Newsday plans to start charging users of its website, a top executive of the company which owns the daily said Thursday.

Governments worldwide censor Web content: study

Where you live in the world largely determines how freely you can access the internet. The level of cyber censorship in different countries around the world is directly related to how authoritarian the governing regime is, ...

China's Tencent launches English microblog site

Chinese Internet giant Tencent has launched an English version of its Twitter-like microblogging service in a push to tap the overseas market, the official Xinhua news agency reported Tuesday.

ISPs surprise net neutrality fans on protest day

AT&T has a surprise for tech firms and internet activists supporting net neutrality, the principle that bars internet service providers from playing favorites with websites and apps.

Iran blocks access to Gmail

Iran blocked access to Google's popular and relatively secure Gmail service Monday amid first steps by the Islamic republic to establish a walled-off national intranet separate from the worldwide Internet.

Web access battles brew before UN conference

(AP)—An upcoming U.N. gathering about Internet oversight is raising alarms from a broad coalition of critics, including the U.S., tech giants such as Google and rights groups, concerned that changes could lead to greater ...

China's online population jumps to 420 mln

The number of Internet users in China, already the world's largest online market, has leapt to 420 million, according to official figures released Thursday.

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