Related topics: google

Solving the crisis of choice online

In an age of information overload, a team of European researchers are developing technology to solve the “crisis of choice” people face when surfing the web, shopping for products online or watching TV.

Live streaming enjoyment for multi-screen applications

Researchers have developed the FAMIUM development platform and are using it to create new application scenarios for adaptive video streaming in web browsers. One highlight is that content can be split between several devices ...

Computer scientist looks for bad guys in cyberspace

(—The weakest link in many computer networks is a gullible human. With that in mind, Sandia National Laboratories computer science researcher Jeremy Wendt wants to figure out how to recognize potential targets ...

Facebook in no rush to IPO, enter China

Facebook is in no hurry to go public or to get into China, where it is officially blocked, according to Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of the social networking giant.

China's online population rises to 477mn

The number of Internet users in China, already the world's largest online market, hit 477 million at the end of March, a senior government official was quoted by state media as saying Monday.

Berlin startup scene gets nod from Google (Update)

Berlin's budding Internet entrepreneurs received the closest thing to an industry endorsement Tuesday, with a €1 million ($1.3 million) investment from Google Inc. for a new 'hub' where startups can work, play and meet ...

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