Related topics: mars

Using AI to predict where and when lightning will strike

Lightning is one of the most unpredictable phenomena in nature. It regularly kills people and animals and sets fire to homes and forests. It keeps aircraft grounded and damages power lines, wind turbines and solar-panel installations. ...

GPS helping provide more precise precipitation predictions

Scientists are using GPS signals to measure air moisture for better weather forecasting. The method is now being incorporated into the Bureau of Meteorology's weather forecast models following successful tests over Australia, ...

Engineers automate science from remote Antarctic station

A remote and unoccupied research station in Antarctica has, for the first time, collected important scientific measurements of climate, ozone and space weather thanks to ground-breaking technology developed by British Antarctic ...

Arctic could face another scorching annus horribilis

Scientists say 2019 could be another annus horribilis for the Arctic with record temperatures already registered in Greenland—a giant melting icicle that threatens to submerge the world's coastal areas one day.

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