New index confirms it: This winter is miserable

(AP)—A new winter misery index confirms what many Americans in the Midwest and East know in their all-too-chilled bones: This has been one of the harshest winters of our lifetimes.

Six reasons why NOAA's GOES-R satellite matters

NOAA's GOES-R weather satellite will soon be launched into space— becoming our nation's most advanced geostationary satellite to date. So what does that mean for you? Here are six reasons to be excited about GOES-R!

Satellite sees Western U.S. high mountain blazes

( -- Two of the most destructive fires in the history of Colorado and New Mexico have both now been contained. Together, the High Park Fire in Colorado and the Little Bear Fire in New Mexico have burned well over ...

Intensifying Atlantic storm examined by NASA's GPM

As a low pressure area continued to intensify in the Atlantic Ocean off the United States' East Coast, NASA's Global Precipitation Measurement or GPM core satellite gathered information about the precipitation the storm was ...

Pacific Northwest braces for another multiday heat wave

People in the Pacific Northwest braced for another major, multiday heat wave starting Wednesday, just over a month after record-shattering hot weather killed hundreds of the region's most vulnerable people when temperatures ...

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