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'Evolving' and 3D printing new nanoscale optical devices

A new technology being pioneered at Caltech is allowing researchers to "evolve" optical devices and then print them out using a specialized type of 3D printer. These devices are made of so-called optical metamaterials that ...

The mutual benefit of agriculture and solar energy

Agricultural photovoltaics (AV) is a concept developed in the 1980s that combines agriculture and solar energy production on the same land. Practitioners grow crops under solar panels and can control the amount and wavelength ...

Astronomers discover a luminous nuclear transient

Using NASA's Swift spacecraft, an international team of astronomers has discovered a luminous and slowly-evolving nuclear transient event. The origin of the newly detected transient, designated Swift J221951-484240, is yet ...

Sea snakes may have evolved to see colors again

A new paper in Genome Biology and Evolution, published by Oxford University Press, finds that the annulated sea snake, a species of venomous snake found in ocean waters around Australia and Asia, appears to have evolved to ...

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