Related topics: water

Using machine learning to predict a ground frost

Machine learning can be used to forecast when a geographical region might have a ground frost, according to new work published in the International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems. Weather forecasting for a ...

Video: Earth as a planet

Earth is the largest rocky planet in our Solar System, and the only body we know of capable of supporting life. With so much news about exoplanets dominating the headlines, in this episode of Space we take a step back to ...

Plastic 'leaves' turn water into fuel

Monash University researchers have developed a new plastic material that can extract hydrogen from water. It could be the start of a water-fuelled energy revolution.

Chest strap heart rate monitor

A team of Empa scientists has, together with industrial partners, developed a novel chest strap device for the long-term monitoring of patients with heart and circulatory problems. What is special about the new system is ...

Meteorology meets metrology

Barely has the research aircraft HALO entered the kilometre-high clouds towering above the Brazilian rainforest than the researchers find themselves in a complete haze, but they can rely on the measuring instruments that ...

Moisture-buffering plaster sucks up water vapour

Water vapour generated by cooking, taking a shower or drying damp clothes can condense on cold walls, encouraging the growth of mildew and microbes. The company Sto AG, in collaboration with Empa, has developed a special ...

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