Related topics: water

Image: Facing Enceladus

( —A patchwork network of frozen ridges and troughs cover the face of Enceladus, Saturn's most enigmatic of icy moons.

A new technology for producing hydrogen

The Ph.D. thesis of Aingeru Remiro-Eguskiza, a chemical engineer of the University of the Basque Country, deals with the quest for a process to produce hydrogen from bio-oil that has a lower impact on the environment than ...

How plants chill out

Plants elongate their stems when grown at high temperature to facilitate the cooling of their leaves, according to new research from the University of Bristol published today in Current Biology. Understanding why plants alter ...

Collecting carbon in a concrete jungle

Land unsuitable for tree planting could still be used to reduce levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere thanks to new research.

Mars' northern polar regions in transition

A newly released image from ESA's Mars Express shows the north pole of Mars during the red planet's summer solstice. All the carbon dioxide ice has gone, leaving just a bright cap of water ice.

A laser shines light on the catalytic converter

( -- Catalytic converters are encountered everywhere in our cars and in the chemical industry. However, the chemical reaction is not well understood. A discovery made at the EPFL may help to shed light on a field ...

European Extremely Large Telescope site chosen

On April 26, 2010, the ESO Council selected Cerro Armazones as the baseline site for the planned 42-meter European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT). Cerro Armazones is a mountain at an altitude of 3060 meters in the central ...

Measuring carbon dioxide over the ocean

Reliable measurements of the air-sea flux of carbon dioxide - an important greenhouse gas - are needed for a better understanding of the impact of ocean-atmosphere interactions on climate. A new method developed by researchers ...

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