Lawn device inspired by stream of water consciousness

The classic suburban challenge of keeping the lawn green sparked the idea behind Sprinkl, a startup led by Noel Geren. Two years ago, the serial entrepreneur from the Dallas area launched the company. It makes a smart irrigation ...

Catalonia limits water use as Spain prays for rain

Barcelona and large swathes of Spain's northeast are going under water restrictions as a months-long drought that has devastated crops starts to put the pinch on human activities in the Mediterranean country.

France struggles with drought over punishing summer of heat

From farmers to fishermen, boat owners to ordinary households, communities across France are struggling with a severe drought that has seen an unprecedented number of regions affected by water restrictions this summer.

Record number of French regions face water restrictions

A record 90 out of 96 mainland French regions face water restrictions due to an ongoing drought, official figures showed on Tuesday, as scorching temperatures and low rainfall cause supply shortages in many areas.

Thousands evacuate as Sydney sees worst floods in decades

Torrential downpours lashed Australia's east Monday, forcing thousands to flee the worst flooding in decades and pushing communities already battling drought, bushfires, and the coronavirus pandemic to "breaking point".

S.Africa's Cape Town eases water rationing

South Africa's second city Cape Town, battling its worst drought in 100 years, announced Monday that it would ease severe water rationing after significant rains in the region.

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