Do dust particles curb climate change?

( -- A knowledge gap exists in the area of climate research: for decades, scientists have been asking themselves whether, and to what extent man-made aerosols, that is, dust particles suspended in the atmosphere, ...

Sounding the alarm on microplastic pollution

There are four basic ingredients in beer: grain, hops, yeast and water. The water often introduces a fifth, which passes unfiltered into a typical pilsner.

Studying the impacts of glacial flour on ecosystems

The meltwater from glaciers carries thousands of tiny rock fragments into the sea. Using a special camera, researchers at the University of Oldenburg can make these mineral particles visible in all their diversity—and investigate ...

No signs of radiation in water near nuke dump

Water samples from three reservoirs near the federal government's underground nuclear waste dump in southeastern New Mexico show no signs of contamination after a radiation leak at the plant.

Dust from Africa affects snowfall in California

One of the driest spots on Earth—the Sahara desert—is increasingly responsible for snow and rain half a world away in the western U.S., a new study released Thursday found.

The world's biggest radar laboratory

In the past year, the Department of Energy's Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facility deployed 18 new scanning radars at its research sites in Oklahoma, Alaska, and the tropical western Pacific. These ...

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