Ice heating up cold clouds

In the Arctic, competition within clouds is hot. The small amount of heat released when water vapor condenses on ice crystals in Arctic clouds, which contain both water and ice, determines the cloud's survival, according ...

The role of bacteria in weather events

Researchers have discovered a high concentration of bacteria in the center of hailstones, suggesting that airborne microorganisms may be responsible for that and other weather events. They report their findings today at ...

Water purification made simpler

( -- Filtration systems used in homes in the developing world, says Kristen Jellison, can be made smaller and less expensive.

Aerosols: From Ash in the Wind to Smoke from the Stack

( -- When we hear the word "aerosol," most of us think of spray cans and perhaps the ozone hole. But spray cans are just a very small part of the story. Any airborne solid particle or liquid droplet -- whether ...

Spying on Plastic Production

( -- Real-time monitoring of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) production is now possible. In an article in the journal Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, Professor Rolf Mülhaupt and his student Rainer Xalter ...

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