Century's end may bring annual 100-year floods

Most coastal communities will encounter 100-year floods annually by the end of the century, even under a moderate scenario where carbon dioxide emissions peak by 2040, a new study finds. And as early as 2050, regions worldwide ...

A warmer world will make heat waves more frequent, says study

From late June to early July 2021, an unprecedented heat wave swept across Western North America (WNA), causing considerable hazards to the regional society and economy. What is the likelihood of a similar heat wave under ...

Less snow, more rain in store for the Arctic, study finds

The Arctic is often thought of as a cold, white and snowy region, but this image is rapidly changing. The Arctic is currently warming much faster than the rest of the planet and is experiencing rapid sea ice loss.

As climate warms, summer monsoons to produce less streamflow

In the summer of 2019, Desert Research Institute (DRI) scientist Rosemary Carroll, Ph.D., waited for the arrival of the North American Monsoon, which normally brings a needed dose of summer moisture to the area where she ...

Slowing climate change could reverse drying in the subtropics

As the planet warms, subtropical regions of the Southern Hemisphere, including parts of southern Australia and southern Africa, are drying. These trends include major drought events such as Cape Town's "Day Zero" in 2018.

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