Changing the way we fly

An airplane roaring down the runway and into the air is a familiar sight to most travellers today. In fact, this image has not changed much in 50 years. While significant advances have been made in terms of fuel economy, ...

A new world record for solar cell efficiency

In a remarkable feat, scientists at Empa, the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, have developed thin film solar cells on flexible polymer foils with a new record efficiency of 20.4 percent for ...

New study gives insight into graphene grain boundaries

(—Using graphene – either as an alternative to, or most likely as a complementary material with – silicon, offers the promise of much faster future electronics, along with several other advantages over the ...

Building electronics from the ground up

(—There's hardly a moment in modern life that doesn't involve electronic devices, whether they're guiding you to a destination by GPS or deciding which incoming messages merit a beep, ring or vibration. But our ...

Device tosses out unusable PV wafers

Silicon wafers destined to become photovoltaic (PV) cells can take a bruising through assembly lines, as they are oxidized, annealed, purified, diffused, etched, and layered to reach their destinies as efficient converters ...

Aerodynamic levitator allows samples to 'float on air'

To you and to me, glass is a window pane, a mirror, something to hold the claret. To scientists, however, glass is a liquid that has lost its mobility, yet keeps its memory of being a liquid.

'Sandwich chips' combining the best of two technologies

Two Leibniz institutes in Germany broke new technological ground and successfully combined their – up to now separate – technology worlds. Due to their high performance the novel chips developed within the HiTeK project ...

Japan researchers invent solar-cell fabric

Clothes that could literally light up your life were unveiled Tuesday by Japanese researchers who said their solar-cell fabric would eventually let wearers harvest energy on the go.

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