Related topics: volcano

Bali volcano emits wispy plume of steam, flights resume

Gushing ash from Bali's Mount Agung volcano has dissipated into a wispy plume of steam, and Australian airlines that canceled some flights to the Indonesian resort island on the weekend have returned to near-normal schedules.

Putting the ash clouds into perspective

( -- New research from the University of Leeds suggests that we shouldn’t expect another major ash cloud event from an Icelandic volcano for another 50 years.

Envisat captures renewed volcanic activity

New eruptions from Iceland's Eyjafjallajoekull volcano have produced a 1600 km-wide ash cloud over the Atlantic. The brownish plume, travelling east and then south, is clearly visible in stark contrast to white clouds framing ...

'Ring of Fire' volcanos remind Asia of seismic peril

The horseshoe-shaped string of active volcanos bounding the Pacific Ocean has lived up to its "Ring of Fire" name in the past month, sparking mass evacuations in Indonesia and Vanuatu and now setting parts of southwestern ...

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