Related topics: brain · neurons · retina

How does light impact kids in school?

Did you know that light is a factor that affects both learning and the psychological development in school children? The right kind of light can boost performance in reading, writing and math, and suppress restlessness and ...

Revealing how flies make decisions on the fly to survive

Many insects process visual information to make decisions about controlling their flying skills and movements- flies must decide whether to pursue prey, avoid a predator, maintain their flight trajectory or land based on ...

Brain gene expression changes when honey bees go the distance

Tricking honey bees into thinking they have traveled long distance to find food alters gene expression in their brains, researchers report this month. Their study, in the journal Genes, Brain and Behavior, is the first to ...

New cave-dwelling arachnids discovered in Brazil

Two new species of cave-dwelling short-tailed whipscorpions have been discovered in northeastern Brazil, and are described in research published May 22 in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Adalberto Santos, from the Federal ...

Startup lets webcams detect people

Vitamin D Video on Monday released a finished version of software that detects people in surveillance footage recorded by common Web cameras.

Google image search gets a 'swirl'

Google Labs on Tuesday brought more focus to finding pictures online, adding a "Swirl" tool that automatically groups similar images into categories presented on results pages.

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