Related topics: brain · neurons · retina

Improving positioning indoors with imaging data

Whether you're walking, biking or driving, navigation systems can help you get from A to B - as long as you have a GPS signal. To find our way around large and complex buildings like hospitals or airports, we often need to ...

NFC aid for the visually and hearing impaired

As the proportion of senior citizens grows, their special needs are gaining momentum. Human eyesight, for example, weakens with age. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has been developing new NFC-based applications ...

East views the world differently to West

Cultural differences between the West and East are well documented, but a study shows that concrete differences also exist in how British and Chinese people recognise people and the world around them. Easterners really do ...

Want your enemies to trust you? Put on your baby face

Do baby-faced opponents have a better chance of gaining your trust? By subtly altering fictional politicians' faces, researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem examined whether minor changes in appearance can affect ...

Terminator-style info-vision takes step towards reality

The streaming of real-time information across your field of vision is a step closer to reality with the development of a prototype contact lens that could potentially provide the wearer with hands-free information updates.

Flies' flight patterns rely on sense of smell

( -- If a fruit fly gets a whiff of a rotting banana, it does everything it can to get to the location of the potential feast. That includes not only beating its wings faster, but overriding its normally random ...

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