Predicting delayed instabilities in viscoelastic solids

It is presently challenging to determine the stability of viscoelastic structures since seemingly stable conformations may gradually creep (plastic deformation of a material under stress as a function of time) until their ...

Exploring the characteristics of viscoelastic fluids

( -- There are many microorganisms out there, navigating through complex biological fluids. “One of the most common migrations takes place with spermatozoa as it navigates the female reproductive tract,” Joseph ...

Why bubbles in viscoelastic liquids move faster

Why do large gas bubbles in viscoelastic liquids (such as polymer and protein solutions) rise so much faster than expected? An open question with great relevance for industrial production processes. Researchers at TU Graz ...

A new 'twist' to break viscoelastic liquid bridges

If you've ever tried to lift a pizza slice covered in hot, melted cheese, you've no doubt encountered the long, cheesy strings that bridge one pizza slice from the next. Keep lifting the pizza slice and these cheese bridges ...

Synchronized swimming: Biology on a micro-scale

Specialized stringy fluids flow through the human joints and help constitute substances such as mucus. These fluids contain long, flexible molecules like polymers or proteins, giving them the ability to stretch and absorb ...

When it comes to polymer fragility, size does matter

Polymers are very large molecules consisting of thousands, even millions, of atoms bonded together in a repeating pattern similar to a chain. They make up many of the things around us we consider part of our everyday lives, ...

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