Interactive quantum chemistry in virtual reality

Scientists from the University of Bristol's Intangible Realities Laboratory (IRL) and ETH Zurich have used virtual reality and artificial intelligence algorithms to learn the details of chemical change.

Video: Virtual predator makes decisions like the real one

A sea slug's decision to approach or avoid potential prey has been simulated in a virtual environment called Cyberslug. In the future the software, described in a paper published in eNeuro, may provide a foundation for the ...

Learning workplace skills through gaming

In the current economic environment, highly skilled, productive and efficient workers are among a company''s best assets. But keeping employees at peak performance and teaching them new skills requires effective life-long ...

E-learning goes mobile

E-learning and 'edtech' are current buzzwords in education. The digital revolution, already firmly ensconced in European homes and businesses, is now spreading into classrooms and universities. From class blogs and school ...

Digital revolution bypassing UK education

Teaching and learning in the 21st century needs to be 'turbo-charged' by educational technology rather than using technologies designed for other purposes, according to a new report developed by the Technology-Enhanced Learning ...

Applying enhanced virtuality to language learning

Merging the real world with its mirror in a virtual world so that students can be immersed in a hybrid learning environment that permits improved language teaching: that is the objective of scientists at the Universidad Carlos ...

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