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Evolution in real time

How does unicellular life transition to multicellular life? The research team of Professor Lutz Becks at the Limnological Institute of the University of Konstanz has taken a major step forward in explaining this very complex ...

Dangerous sneaker waves puzzle scientists

On January 16, 2016, a sudden swath of large and powerful waves swept through seaside communities along 450 kilometers (280 miles) of Pacific Northwest coastline. From Washington to northern California, water rushed past ...

'Fortnite' teaches the wrong lessons

In recognition of the fact that "Fortnite" has quickly become one of the most popular video games in the world – one played by more than 125 million players – I decided to play the game myself in an attempt to understand ...

Computer program looks five minutes into the future

Computer scientists from the University of Bonn have developed software that can look a few minutes into the future. The program first learns the typical sequence of actions, such as cooking, from video sequences. Based on ...

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