Diamond imperfections pave the way to technology gold

(Phys.org) —From supersensitive detections of magnetic fields to quantum information processing, the key to a number of highly promising advanced technologies may lie in one of the most common defects in diamonds. Researchers ...

Nanoparticle imaging: A resonant improvement

Raman spectroscopy is a powerful technique for analyzing atomic structure based on the inelastic scatter of light from molecules, with diverse applications including medical imaging and chemical sensing. Researchers have ...

Ringing the hemoglobin bell

(PhysOrg.com) -- Knowing the structure of a molecule is an important part of understanding it, but quite often it’s even more important to know how the molecule moves -- more specifically, the vibrational dynamics that ...

'Molecular Rollar Coaster' can distinguish between molecules

Research that made it to the cover of the authoritative scientific journal Analytical Chemistry this week has shown that the detection method developed by Dutch researchers at the University of Twente is even more sensitive ...

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