Related topics: dogs

Lyme disease in dogs: What dog owners should know

As Lyme disease cases rise in the U.S., humans are not the only ones at risk. Veterinarians with the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine say dogs are increasingly vulnerable to this tick-borne illness.

AI tool recognizes serious ocular disease in horses

Colloquially known as moon blindness, equine recurrent uveitis (ERU) is an inflammatory ocular disease in horses, which can lead to blindness or loss of the affected eye. It is one of the most common eye diseases in horses ...

Putting animals to sleep can give veterinarians suicidal thoughts

Helene Seljenes Dalum has carried out research on what causes veterinarians to have suicidal thoughts. In June, she completed her doctorate at IMB, which brought her a little nearer to discovering the reasons behind the statistics.

New study reveals alarming gap in dogs, heartworm prevention

A new paper published in Frontiers in Veterinary Science revealed a concerning finding: Less than 40% of dogs in the longitudinal Golden Retriever Lifetime Study were on preventive heartworm medications at baseline. This ...

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