Related topics: species · fossil

New basal ornithuromorph bird found in China

A new species of Early Cretaceous bird was reported on January 6th in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society by Min Wang, Zhonghe Zhou and Shuang Zhou from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology ...

Well-preserved homo erectus skull discovered in Eastern China

Scientists have discovered a "well-preserved" Homo erectus skull, teeth and other skull bones at the Hualongdong archaeological site in Zhongzhi County of Anhui Province, eastern China, as announced in a news conference on ...

Dakotaraptor ruled Hell Creek Formation as lethal predator

Tyrannosaurus rex may have been known as the big guy around the Hell Creek Formation 66 million years ago, but a newly discovered species of raptor would have roamed the region as one of its most lethal predators.

Prehistoric carnivore dubbed 'scarface' discovered in Zambia

Scientists at The Field Museum have identified a new species of pre-mammal in what is now Zambia. Thanks to a unique groove on the animal's upper jaw, it was dubbed Ichibengops (Itchy-BEN-gops), which combines the local Bemba ...

Exceptionally preserved fossil gives voice to ancient terror bird

A new species of South American fossil terror bird called Llallawavis scagliai ("Scaglia's Magnificent Bird") is shedding light on the diversity of the group and how these giant extinct predators interacted with their environment. ...

Secret of extinct British marine reptile uncovered

The fossil had been in the collections of Doncaster Museum and Art Gallery for more than 30 years until Dean Lomax (25) palaeontologist and Honorary Scientist at The University of Manchester, uncovered its hidden secrets.

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