From rain to flood

Extreme weather events such as thunderstorms, heavy rainfall and resulting floods, influence Earth and environmental systems in the long term. To study the impacts of hydrological extremes holistically—from precipitation ...

Quantum information gets a boost from thin-film breakthrough

Efforts to create reliable light-based quantum computing, quantum key distribution for cybersecurity, and other technologies got a boost from a new study demonstrating an innovative method for creating thin films to control ...

New lidar instruments peer skyward for clues on weather and climate

Researchers have developed a set of diode-based lidar instruments that could help fill important gaps in meteorological observations and fuel a leap in understanding, modeling and predicting weather and climate. The instruments ...

New water cycle on Mars discovered

Approximately every two Earth years, when it is summer on the southern hemisphere of Mars, a window opens: Only in this season can water vapor efficiently rise from the lower into the upper Martian atmosphere. There, winds ...

Substrate defects key to growth of 2-D materials

Creating two-dimentional materials large enough to use in electronics is a challenge despite huge effort but now, Penn State researchers have discovered a method for improving the quality of one class of 2-D materials, with ...

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