Related topics: skin cancer

Ancient volcanic eruption destroyed the ozone layer

A catastrophic drop in atmospheric ozone levels around the tropics is likely to have contributed to a bottleneck in the human population around 60 to 100,000 years ago, an international research team has suggested. The ozone ...

Coated zinc sulfide nanoparticles are catalytically active

Ideally, a pigment should be resistant to corrosion under light irradiation—especially to UV radiation. It should also retain its white color in the long term. Today, the industry has already achieved all this with zinc ...

Is there life on Mars today and where?

In a comment published today in Nature Astronomy, Dr. Nathalie Cabrol, Director of the Carl Sagan Center for Research at the SETI Institute, challenges assumptions about the possibility of modern life on Mars held by many ...

Life from Earth could temporarily survive on Mars

Some microbes on Earth could temporarily survive on the surface of Mars, finds a new study by NASA and German Aerospace Center scientists. The researchers tested the endurance of microorganisms to Martian conditions by launching ...

How does a cell regulate the repair of its damaged DNA?

Human DNA can be modified or damaged in a variety of ways that can alter its sequence and potentially change the information that it encodes, from UV radiation to chemicals in our own bodies. One way the body can accurately ...

DNA damage caused by migrating light energy

Ultraviolet light endangers the integrity of human genetic information and may cause skin cancer. For the first time, researchers at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have demonstrated that DNA damage may also occur ...

Light-responsive top layer of plastic film induces movement

Azobenzene-containing plastic film is a peculiar material: Its surface can change shape when exposed to light, making it a valuable component in modern technologies/devices like TV screens and solar cells. Scientists now ...

Giant clams manipulate light to assist their symbiotic partner

Special cells in giant clams shift the wavelength of light to protect them from UV radiation and increase the photosynthetic activity of their symbionts, shows research from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology—originally ...

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