Laser squared: A two-domain photon-phonon laser

Lasers are a significant historical invention with ubiquitous impact in society. The concept also has interdisciplinary applications as phonon lasers and atom lasers. A laser in one physical domain can be pumped by energy ...

Quantum scientists achieve state-of-the-art defect-free atom array

The glowing dots in these images are single rubidium atoms, pristinely arranged in arrays about as wide as a human hair. The team of CQT Principal Investigator Loh Huanqian captured these pictures to show how they can assemble ...

Researchers shed new light on the motor of DNA replication

DNA replication is the process whereby cells make an exact copy of their DNA before cell division. A key part of the intricate DNA replication machinery is a molecular motor called CMG, which has the vital task of separating ...

Bringing angular momentum to holograms and metasurfaces

Holography, invented by Gabor, provides an approach for recording and reconstructing the complete information (i.e. intensity and phase) of the light from an object. Since its invention, holographic-related technologies have ...

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