A sea turtle paradise in the land of lakes and volcanoes

There is little reason to wonder why Nicaragua is known as the land of lakes and volcanoes when you witness its dramatic volcanic landscape filled with vast forests, lagoons, lakes and pristine beaches. Located in the middle ...

Wounded sea turtle healed with 3-D printing

Birch Aquarium has teamed up with UC San Diego Library's Digital Media Lab to create what is believed to be the first 3-D-printed brace for a sea turtle's shell.

Researchers discover real reason why turtles have shells

It is common knowledge that the modern turtle shell is largely used for protection. No other living vertebrate has so drastically altered its body to form such an impenetrable protective structure as the turtle. However, ...

Ski design inspired by turtle scales

These alpine skis change stiffness in response to the skier's position. EPFL researchers helped develop the new skisĀ thanks to a mechanism that mimics turtle scales.

Coming out of their evolutionary shells

One of the wonders of evolutionary innovation in animals is the turtle shell, which differs from any other reptilian defense adaptation, giving up teeth or venom in exchange for an impenetrable shield.

Key link in turtle evolution discovered

An international team of researchers from the United States and Germany have discovered a key missing link in the evolutionary history of turtles. The new extinct species of reptile, Pappochelys, was unearthed in an area ...

Origin of the unique ventilatory apparatus of turtles

Through the careful study of modern and early fossil tortoise, researchers now have a better understanding of how tortoises breathe and the evolutionary processes that helped shape their unique breathing apparatus and tortoise ...

The origin of the turtle shell: Mystery solved

A team of RIKEN researchers has finally solved the riddle of how the turtle shell originated. By observing the development of different animal species and confirming their results with fossil analysis and genomic data, researchers ...

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