Evolutionary origin of the turtle shell

Through careful study of an ancient ancestor of modern turtles, researchers now have a clearer picture of how the turtles' most unusual shell came to be. The findings, reported on May 30 in Current Biology, help to fill a ...

Researchers reveal ancient giant turtle fossil

Picture a turtle the size of a Smart car, with a shell large enough to double as a kiddie pool. Paleontologists from North Carolina State University have found just such a specimen – the fossilized remains of a 60-million-year-old ...

Hanoi's renowned turtle free again

An ageing giant turtle revered as a symbol of Vietnam's independence struggle has won back her freedom back three months after being captured for medical treatment, an official said on Wednesday.

Turtle embryos move to bask in the sun

(PhysOrg.com) -- Turtles, like the majority of reptiles, are unable to regulate their own body heat and use their environment to control their temperature. In order to stay warm, reptiles will bask in this sun. Researchers ...

Testing begins to save legendary Vietnam turtle

Researchers have begun testing mechanical "SediTurtles" they say will protect a legendary Vietnamese turtle while cleaning the historical lake in which the creature lives.

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