Image: Jupiter's Great Red Spot (enhanced color)

This enhanced-color image of Jupiter's Great Red Spot was created by citizen scientist Gerald Eichstädt using data from the JunoCam imager on NASA's Juno spacecraft.

Winging it: How do bats out-maneuver their prey?

Bats catch food 'on the wing' without touching the ground, but how do they do it? A new study by Per Henningsson at Lund University, Sweden is the first of its kind to analyse the aerodynamics of bats performing manoeuvers ...

Table top plasma gets wind of solar turbulence

Scientists from India and Portugal recreated solar turbulence on a tabletop using a high intensity ultrashort laser pulse to excite a hot, dense plasma and followed the evolution of the giant magnetic field generated by the ...

Swirling swarms of bacteria offer insights on turbulence

In the bacterial world, as in the larger one, beauty can be fleeting. When swimming together with just the right amount of vigor, masses of bacterial cells produce whirling, hypnotic patterns. Too much vigor, however, and ...

Teaming up for cheaper energy from ocean tides

Oceanographers at Bangor University's School of Ocean Sciences are launching a major project to study tidal turbulence at the Menai Strait in Wales. Just how can this project help reduce development costs, leading to cheaper ...

Reading between the lines of highly turbulent plasmas

Plasma, the ionised state of matter found in stars, is still not fully understood, largely due to its instability. Astrophysicists have long sought to develop models that can account for the turbulent motions inside plasma, ...

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