New imaging technique captures ever-changing world of metabolites

( —What would you do with a camera that can take a picture of something and tell you how new it is? If you're Berkeley Lab scientists Katherine Louie, Ben Bowen, Jian-Hua Mao and Trent Northen, you use it to gain ...

Researchers develop new sensor for methylated DNA

Collaborators from Mayo-Illinois Alliance for Technology Based Healthcare have developed a new, single molecule test for detecting methylated DNA. Methylation—the addition of a methyl group of molecules to a DNA strand—is ...

Biochemist unlocks gene's role in breast-tumor growth

New research led by McGill Biochemist Dr. William Muller helps explain why breast-milk cells lose their structure, causing them to clump up in strange ways (photos available) and sometimes become cancer tumors. With the support ...

Cadherin-11 plays role in cell migration

Cadherins are part of the protein family of adhesion molecules. Just like mortar between the bricks in a wall, they ensure that cells stay together, preventing them from breaking away and migrating from a group of cells. ...

Researchers develop new method for tracking cell signaling

Researchers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, together with collaborators in Germany, have developed a new method for identifying the cell of origin of intracellular and secreted proteins within multicellular environments.

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