Uncovering epigenetic mechanisms underlying cancer development

Northwestern Medicine studies published in Nature Cell Biology and Molecular Cell are improving the understanding of epigenetic mechanisms in cancer development and progression, as well as pinpointing genes that drive the ...

Cells: Divide and enlarge

By far the most important process in cell development is how cells divide and then enlarge in order to multiply.

Tumor suppressor may attenuate fibrotic disease

New research reveals a critical cellular signaling pathway that is responsible for generating excess connective tissue in multiple organs, similar to what is seen in human patients with scleroderma. The study, published by ...

Cadherin-11 plays role in cell migration

Cadherins are part of the protein family of adhesion molecules. Just like mortar between the bricks in a wall, they ensure that cells stay together, preventing them from breaking away and migrating from a group of cells. ...

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