Scientists sniff out Thailand's first truffle species

Gastronomes of the world delight. Two new types of truffle have been unearthed in Thailand's far north, scientists announced Thursday in what they called a first for Southeast Asia.

Screening truffles for radioactivity 30 years from Chernobyl

Some forest mushrooms, such as wild porcini, can accumulate dangerous levels of radioactivity from the soils they grow in. But until now it was unclear if the same was true for truffles, fungi that range among the most expensive ...

Why you may skimp on your Valentine's Day gift

Imagine that you're buying a box of chocolates for a loved one on Valentine's Day, and the store is offering a free gift if you buy a slightly inferior box of chocolates instead of the best chocolates in the store. Which ...

Video: Why are truffles truly tremendous?

What is expensive, a delicious addition to pasta and grows underground on the roots of trees? You guessed it—truffles. While some people find the smell of truffles awful, for many people, the smell and flavor is worth tens ...

Soil bacteria contribute to the taste and smell of white truffles

Truffles, along with caviar, are among the most expensive foods in the world. Because they grow underground, people use trained dogs or pigs to find them. But the distinctive smell of truffles is not only of interest to gourmets. ...

Gap closed in the genetic map of kingdom fungi

An international research team headed by PD Dr Minou Nowrousian from the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) has sequenced the genome of the ascomycete Pyronema confluens, thus closing a gap in the genetic map of fungi. For the ...

New species of truffle found in Finland

A species of truffle that is considered to be rare has been found for the first time in Finland. Previously it has been thought to exist only in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. The truffle was found in ...

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