Long-lasting La Niña events more common over past century

Multiyear La Niña events have become more common over the last 100 years, according to a new study led by University of Hawai'i (UH) at Mānoa atmospheric scientist Bin Wang. Five out of six La Niña events since 1998 have ...

Putting a value on environmental change

The value of the global environment to human well-being, health and livelihoods fell by around US$20 trillion (A$21.5 trillion) a year between 1997 and 2011 due to loss of wetlands, coral reefs and tropical forests, a new ...

Local conditions shape plant communities

The local environment plays a key role in determining what kinds of plants grow there, according to a new study that could change how threatened species are managed.

Bird communities threatened by urbanization

Urbanization is one of the most drastic forms of land-use change, and its negative consequences on biodiversity have been studied extensively in temperate countries such as Germany. However, less research has been conducted ...

NASA flies radar south on wide-ranging expedition

(Phys.org) —A versatile NASA airborne imaging radar system is showcasing its broad scientific prowess for studying our home planet during a month-long expedition over the Americas.

Encouraging scientists to collaborate on the tropics

Timothy Perez, a biology Ph.D. student at the University of Miami, left snowflakes behind to pursue his dream of becoming a tropical botanist in the Sunshine State. His latest study, "The changing nature of collaboration ...

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