Using artificial intelligence to save coral reefs

Today, on Earth Day 2020, Accenture, Intel and the Sulubaaï Environmental Foundation announced Project: CORaiL, an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered solution to monitor, characterize and analyze coral reef resiliency. ...

Voracious lionfish wreaks havoc in Florida Keys

At French Reef, 30 feet below the ocean's surface, Sea Dwellers dive instructor Dave Jefferiss was on a mission to find and capture one of the gorgeous but dreaded new invaders of the Florida Keys: a lionfish.

Geckos keep firm grip in wet natural habitat

( —Geckos' ability to stick to trees and leaves during rainforest downpours has fascinated scientists for decades, leading a group of University of Akron researchers to solve the mystery.

How forest fragmentation affects birds depends on their wings

A new study shows why tropical birds are likely to be more vulnerable to forest fragmentation, and suggests conservation policies need to take into account the role of climate in determining the ability of animals to move ...

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